San Lorenzo Valley General Plan - 1970
by Jessica Carver
Fred McPherson has played a key role in protecting and preserving the San Lorenzo River and Valley. His efforts, in collaboration with various environmental activists and organizations, successfully prevented multiple development proposals from becoming a reality.
While working as a Teacher and Program Coordinator for Biology and Environmental Studies at the UCSC Extension in 1970, Fred was exposed to the pro-growth General Plan for the San Lorenzo Valley that was adopted by the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors in 1967. A Community Service Coordinator had brought it to his attention because he knew Fred was a Boulder Creek resident interested in local environmental issues.
The report looked very professional and well thought out; the cover was designed with a beautiful picture of the Redwoods and had fold out maps included. Sadly, it turned out to be pro-growth proposal that included plans for an express highway to Boulder Creek, on the east side of the river, along with dam on the major tributaries of the San Lorenzo River, a sewage line along the lower San Lorenzo River and highway 9, and a drastic increase in population. After going through the report, Fred was overwhelmed by the amount of proposed changes. The probable negative effects the new transportation system, housing zoning, sewer systems, water storage facilities, etc. would have on the San Lorenzo River and mountain landscapes became apparent.
Fred’s “sadness and dismay grew into anger and determination to prevent this from happening” (Fred McPherson, A Brief summary of Fred’s Contributions to Various Environmental Causes in the SLV). He began reaching out to all of his friends, associates, and anyone that would listen for help to prevent this large-scale urban development from becoming reality. Fred’s efforts inspired many people from Boulder Creek and the rest of the San Lorenzo Valley to rally together at public meetings to show their opposition to the plan and help prevent it from being approved.
Public meetings for the revision of the General Plan were held at the San Lorenzo Valley High School throughout the year of 1972. They were large meetings that required the sheriff to help maintain order. However they proved to be successful. New directions of facilitation and committee structure were adopted and Fred Gordon, one of the local dentists, was elected Group Facilitator. Fred was elected as Chairman of one of the new committees formed: “Environmental Quality Control Sub committee”, which eventually resulted in drastic revision of the proposal that provided for a much more survivable and sustainable plan for the future. In 1972, Pat Liteky from the Environmental Quality Committee’s campaign for District Supervisor was successful. Fred McPherson helped with the first community riverwalk during the Liteky political campaign, wrote letters of recommendation, and contributed towards its victory. The Revised General Plan was adopted under Liteky’s leadership and implemented under future environmentally responsible supervisors from the district.