Highlands Park - 1976

by Jessica Carver
While working with the Save the San Lorenzo River Association, Fred helped with the development of a trail system in the west riparian corridor at “Highlands Park”. He had been “surprised and disappointed again to see the River Nature Trail so hard to find” and began working towards restoring it. In June of 1976, he led the Association in creating recommendations for the protection and recreational use of the riparian and river area. Fred also helped create a Trail Guide to educate the community visitors about the history and adjacent flora and fauna of the park. As part of the Highlands Nature Trail Committee, he worked to inspect and repair the trail as necessary in order to maintain its health.
Later on in 1996, Fred McPherson worked with Santa Cruz County Parks Planners to improve the maintenance and necessary improvements for the River Nature Trail at Highlands Park. He served as a volunteer consultant to the department for implementing his recommendations for management plan and community service resources. He outlined a course of action with the primary goal of removing unwanted invasive plants and restoring the River Nature Trail. He remained dedicated to assisting with and educating others on how to preserve and restore Highlands Park and Trail.