Gage Dayton
Gage is currently the administrative director of the UC Santa Cruz Natural Reserves. Gage Dayton believes we are all naturalists at some level. We have an appreciation of the natural world and that can range from someone who is a world expert on amphipod taxonomy to someone who is keen to learn about the processes that shape the patterns we see in nature to someone who appreciates the morning chorus of birds. Gage enjoys being a naturalist in Santa Cruz because it is such a diverse part of the world and there is so much to explore. There are also many people here that are also interested in natural history. Gage thinks the best way to help create new naturalists is to encourage people to power off and go outside and make observations. Try to encourage them to make it part of their daily routine. Gage is especially excited that naturalist knowledge is becoming more accessible and it is easier for people to learn from peers and their community.