Alex English
Alex English defines a naturalist as anyone who is passionate about conserving the natural world around them in a sustainable manner. As a climate activist, he believes that it is important for people to strengthen their relationship with the natural world in order to effectively and sustainably coexist with nature. Without a strong relationship with our natural surroundings, the fight against climate change will be futile. Alex is a 4th-year UCSC undergraduate studying Environmental Studies and Economics. The most influential course he has taken was Environmental Law, taught by Douglas Bushey. This course allowed him to explore how economic incentives can serve as an effective form of mediating issues that arise in the natural world. Alex is interested in sustainable agriculture and methods to combat climate change. He was employed by Environment California through the UCSC campus where he worked to educate Bay Area communities on important topics such as plastic waste, while also fundraising for naturalist resources. This experience allowed him to gain confidence when talking to large crowds about topics that matter to him. In the future he hopes to work with an agency to combat food justice and insecurity issues while utilizing the knowledge he has gained in regards to sustainable development.
During his time at UCSC he has had many memorable experiences with teachers and mentors. He is particularly appreciative of the wisdom he gained from Alex Jones while participating in a rare species guide internship which enabled him to make meaningful relationships with his peers outside of the classroom setting. Another rewarding aspect of this experience was learning how to better maintain a field journal. Alex is thankful for the opportunity to spend time outside documenting his surroundings while contributing to the development of the rare species guide. Alex now documents all his field adventures in his field journal and encourages others to do the same. He believes that being patient and mindful will enable you to notice things you may not have seen before. Although he did face some challenges while learning how to navigate InDesign, a software application he used for the project, he believes that with perseverance and help from others anything can be accomplished.